That’s how you might see their colors with a telepathic hallucinogen scanner.

Strolling along Fremont toward my bus stop on 46th Ave N, I saw this solid mass of text stapled to a telephone pole.


Still being a dead-tree, text-based sort of human, I naturally stopped to read it.


Oh, sure, you could embiggen that image and try to climb that textwall for yourself, but here I offer a transcript, with paragraph breaks:

I was at the store the other day and at the back of my peripheral vision, or like the corner of my eye, all the way to the side, there were like some bright colored long candles, maybe red with white, enough color to draw my attention from the far side. In their place I had a brief hallucination that came with a visual that signaled me with a will, and I immediately perceived a message that came with the hallucination, a message that came not to my head, but more to my chest with the will.

I saw two hooded robes, unoccupied, side by side, one red, one white, the red being more of an intense shade of scarlet. The message I perceived was that the red robe represented nice and the white robe represented naughty or in other words it told me that nice’s colors were red and that naughty’s colors were white.

I perceived this message to be of particular irony. Log ago I saw the nickname’s naughty and nice used in normal public context, like a billboard for a lingerie store or in a caption in a periodical advertisement and the hash of the will sprang out from the words and I hallucinated a concealed way of interpreting the nicknames. I hallucinated the message and immediately plugged it in with my calculation and formed an immediate permanent conclusion.

Naughty and Nice are nicknames for female torture victims, women born without full awareness, 1 in 20,000 U.S. females or 1 in 10,000 chosen from girls born below the 50% line or born in the lower half that has a chance of medieval torture at 18. Naughty and Nice splits those female torture victims 50/50.

Naughty is more tortured than Nice and she is encouraged to say bad stuff and talk back to the voices if she feels she really needs to. Nice is less tortured than naughty and she has the skill level not to say bad stuff and she is trained or taught to endure torture without talking back to the voices and even to communicate successfully while she’s being tortured without intentionally insulting the voices.

I began to understand these nicknames and came up with these interpretations in 2006 and may have developed them further in the first half of 2007 or maybe all of 2007.

My recent hallucination of the red hooded robe and the white hooded robe I quickly perceived as ironic. I saw it as red being nice’s colors and white being naughty’s colors.

The red of nice was essentially a reference to quality sex and drug use.

The white of naughty was a symbol of purity suggesting her voices don’t like to let her drugs work and maybe hurt her during sex so she won’t get to enjoy the full human sexual experience until the afterlife.

Nice / Naughty; red/ white…

I interpreted Nice is supposed to be more the one of the two who’s considered high on society; or maybe more the one who they want to attend parties with rich people- she has sex at the pleasure max, or near the pleasure max, hash, but not living water, with people who are famous or at least locally famous in their hometown or community. She gets to take drugs with rich people or upstanding citizens who are allowed to possess or even use with telepathic surveillance, even with the telepathic lie detector. The people raise Nice to be their friend and they even let her learn the four- leaf clover before she dies and she gets to have privileged heightened explanations of torture and how it relates to society and politics and how it fits into a calculation. That is privileged information Nice isn’t allowed to share with naughty, even with telepathic and prophetic remote surveillance to enforce that boundary which she must understand to know her rules and receive privileged information in the first place.

Naughty doesn’t get to lean the four- leaf clover until the afterlife. The voices don’t give her the pleasure max as much during sex. They like to see to it that Naughty doesn’t get to take as much drugs as Nice and when she does the voices like to make it so they don’t work when they get a chance.

My recent hallucination of the red robe and the white robe made me perceive an idea that I hadn’t thought of before, which I saw as quite an irony. I saw the red robe as nice and the white robe as naughty. That was a contrast because in any cartoon or comic representation they always draw naughty red and nice white. This is a reversal of the true colors which is part of a public cover for the party lifestyle of the upper- class, who secretly can’t get arrested for drugs or sex.

Saying nice wearing white in public is like saying its righteous not to party or engage in hedonism when the people who control colors really don’t think it and the white is a cover for their privacy.

Saying Nice red, naughty white as their actual color is like saying that’s how you might see their colors with a telepathic hallucinogen scanner.

Seeing nice as red is like saying the party lifestyle makes her look more emotionally fulfilled, as if drug use could show as red because the feelings could cause changes in body heat/ body temperature or being loaded could show a different surface temperature with a telepathic scanner.

Saying nice as the color red is like saying there are people who consider it righteous to party.

Saying their colors backwards in public could be considered safety in addition to covering for boundaries associated with privacy. Many people in modern America wold have trouble associating publicly available definitions or descriptions of the word righteous with the party lifestyle, this phenomena being increased say 50 years ago. There are teachings or ways of living that make it very difficult for some individuals to associate the word party with the word riighteous until the individual has received the full knowledge and the full understanding of the Holy Spirit when they’re older, for some, kinda older, for some, much older.

I saw that saying nice white, naughty red, was really intentionally backwards and I perceived it as quite ironic, even experiencing emotional reactions associated with irony. Cartoon drawings with nice white and naughty red, publicly saying their colors backwards, is a cover for the privacy of the upper class which is also supposed to allow them to give a public message that includes a concealer for safety. The intention or ideas is very similar to the public reference or nickname Satan, which seems related in that the individual quite often does not have he full explanation or understanding of the true meaning of that nickname until they receive the holy spirit, or the full knowledge of the holy spirit or in non- Christian terms the third level of the trinity, still existing in non- Christian groups as a third or senior ranking of telepathic security and surveillance.

Anyways when the individual receives the third ranking at whatever age it includes the full explanation which even tells them the full or true meaning of the nickname Satan, with the advantage or benefit of the telepathic lie detector, the lie detector like a final decision maker or final arbitrator for those with questions. Able for a neutral third party to make the final call on a difficult question. I know how the lie detector works because I saw undisputable evidence of prophecy and I know it involves an extra- terrestrial observer working from a remote location who observes and arbitrates difficult questions like an umpire or a referee for a debate who doesn’t participate but makes calls.

Speak and argue as you must, but final truth cannot be altered, and this makes a lie detector possible if it is an extra- terrestrial with prophetic abilities. That is the concept or phenomena being referred to in the beginning of the Gospel of John when it says that all deeds done in darkness will eventually come to light.

And there you have it.